OVERDARE Community Guidelines

OVERDARE is a mobile interactive UGC platform for creating, expressing, befriending, and playing. OVERDARE is committed to creating a mature space for users of different nationalities, races or religions to create and play safely and joyfully.

The OVERDARE community guidelines are designed to induce OVERDARE users to have fair and free interactions in an environment that is safe, productive, and respectful.

The OVERDARE community guidelines apply to all forms of communication, content creation, profile composition, and activities within the app, covering all services provided by OVERDARE.

Violation of these guidelines is grounds for content deletion, permanent account bans, and other punitive actions.

Threats to the Safety of Minors

  • Grooming, exploitation, and preying upon minors.

  • Sexual treatment of minors.

  • Sexual communication with minors, including the demand for sexually explicit materials from minors or sharing of sexually explicit materials with minors.

  • Sharing of, requests for, and discussions of materials on sexual exploitation of minors.

  • Sharing of content or communication on violence against and abuse of minors.

*minor: Persons Aged 13 to 19 or in Another Age Range of Minors as Defined in a Particular Service Region.

Content on Sexual Behavior or Sexually Explicit Materials

  • Sexual or seductive gestures or communication.

  • Pursuit of or requests for unwanted online relations, and seduction intended to establish unwanted online relations.

  • Sexual communication, including the demand for sexually explicit materials or sharing of sexually explicit materials.

  • Descriptions of, allusions to, or expressions of sexual activity.

  • Displaying, sharing, or requesting content or links related to prostitution or sexually explicit materials.

  • Sexual harassment, and actions or content involving the disclosure of sexual orientation or preferences, or threatening such actions or content.

Violent Content

  • Content on domestic violence.

  • Content on physical or sexual violence.

  • Content on animal cruelty and torture.

  • Realistic depictions of bleeding, graphic violence, or death.

  • Content on the threatening or promotion of killings, injuries, or violence.

  • Glamorization or promotion of violent crimes or communication.

  • Content on terrorism or extremism.(Examples: Depictions of attacks, leaders, icons, slogans, manifestos, flags, strategic plans, recruitment, fundraising, encouragement, promotion)

Content Expressing Abuse and Ostracization

  • Abusive communication directed at individuals or family members, including profanities, slander, and ridicule.

  • Threatening to cause injuries in real life. Threatening to make false reports.

  • Content amounting to ridicule or abuse directed at a user or group.

  • Behavior or content amounting to manipulation, threats, blackmailing, or demands intended to force the sharing of personal information or account information.

  • Behavior or content amounting to unjustified attacks on a certain user within a certain world or content.

Content on Suicide or Self-harm

  • Descriptions of methods of suicide or self-harm.

  • Romanticization, promotion, or depictions of instances or methods of suicide or self-harm.

  • Manipulation into engaging in dangerous activities in real life.

Content on Bigotry Toward Socially Sensitive Issues

  • Content on bigotry toward certain races, age groups, countries, religions, political beliefs, etc.

  • Content on bigotry toward certain genders, sexual identities, etc.

  • Content on bigotry toward certain diseases, physical conditions, mental/physical disabilities, etc.

  • Content on bigotry toward certain classes, occupations, etc.

Content on Illegal Activities or Controlled Goods or Services

  • Drugs, pharmaceuticals, controlled substances, alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes, etc.

  • Counterfeit goods and services.

  • Human trafficking and human exploitation.

  • Endangered species.

  • Overt or covert prostitution services.

  • Stolen goods.

  • Fraud.

  • Weapons, firearms, ammunition, explosives, and instructions on the making of explosives.

Content on Dangerous Activities or the Formation of a Dangerous Organization

  • Activities or groups promoting or sharing drugs, tobacco, etc.

  • Activities or groups promoting or sharing content on weapons, terrorism, war, killings, etc.

  • Activities or groups promoting or sharing content on suicide and self-harm.

Content Harming the Soundness of the Platform

  • Impersonation of an individual or group to mislead or deceive.

  • Manipulation of popularity or reactions.

  • Circulation of false information.

  • Spam, fraud, phishing.

  • Security threats.

  • Trading of platform accounts or the encouragement of such trading.

  • Manipulation or encouragement aimed at trading of platform assets outside of the platform.

Content in Violation of the Intellectual Property Rights Policy

  • Infringement of copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights of another party, or content amounting to such infringement.

  • Production, display, or transmission of copyrighted content, such as images, videos, and items, without the copyright holder’s consent.

  • Copying or distribution of another party’s content, including posts, items, music, videos, and images, without the original copyright holder’s consent.

  • Content promoting illegal copying of items, images, broadcasts, videos, music, worlds/games, and software requiring a purchase, or providing links to their illegal download.

  • Posts sharing bugs or hacking programs designed to neutralize a copyright holder’s protective technologies.

  • Instances where another developer’s code is used to create an experience without permission.

  • Instances where another artist’s media is used in a user’s experience without permission.

  • Unauthorized use of brand logos or designs in content created by a user.

Content Including Personal Information

  • Email addresses.

  • Passwords or access tokens.

  • Home addresses or actual locations.

  • Financial information, including credit card or bank account information.

  • Medical information.

  • Phone numbers.

  • Unique identifiers such as resident registration numbers.

  • Images of a person who is not the user or a public figure.

  • Use of a real name in a username unless in allowed instances.

  • Any and all personally identifiable information related to minors, including images and voice or video recordings that are unapproved.

Content on Real-World Sensitive Events

  • Acts of mass violence against individuals or property.

  • Recreation of specific real-world natural disasters or catastrophic accidents.

  • Content that mocks or glorifies victims of specific incidents.

  • Content that supports or glorifies perpetrators or outcomes of specific incidents.

  • Exploiting real-world sensitive events for commercial purposes.

  • Inflammatory content related to real-world borders, territories, or jurisdictional disputes.

Please report any of the above infringements in accordance with the Reporting Guidelines.

Last updated