API Reference
This API Reference is a key document that provides precise usage details for properties, functions, and events used in scripts. When designing or implementing game features, the API Reference helps developers quickly and accurately integrate the necessary functionalities.
If you liken the process of writing a script to cooking, the script represents the cooking process, whilethe API Reference serves as the cookbook. Just as knowing the right ingredients and tools makes cooking easier, using the API Reference simplifies and streamlines script development. It helps implement desired features accurately while reducing development time.
How to Use
For example, if you want to display a message when a player joins the game, refer to the API Reference for the PlayerAdded
event and the Connect
method. Based on this, you can write a script like the following:
Whenever you have questions during development or feel unsure about how to implement a specific feature, always refer to the API Reference as your first point of reference. It will not only help with writing code but also significantly enhance the overall productivity and quality of game development.
Class Inheritance Hierarchy
Instance ├─ TweenService ├─ RunService ├─ MaterialService ├─ PhysicsService ├─ SoundService ├─ UserInputService ├─ ContextActionService ├─ DataStoreService ├─ HttpService ├─ Players ├─ ReplicatedStorage ├─ ServerScriptService ├─ ServerStorage ├─ StarterGui ├─ StarterPlayer │ ├─ StarterPlayerScripts │ └─ StarterCharacterScripts ├─ MaterialService ├─ CollectionService ├─ Constraint │ ├─ AngularVelocity │ ├─ LinearVelocity │ └─ VectorForce ├─ JointInstance │ └─ Motor │ └─ Motor6D ├─ PVInstance │ ├─ BasePart │ │ ├─ Part │ │ │ ├─ FormFactorPart │ │ │ │ └─ SpawnLocation │ │ └─ MeshPart │ ├─ Model │ └─ Skeleton ├─ Attachment │ └─ Bone ├─ Animation ├─ AnimationTrack ├─ TweenBase │ └─ Tween ├─ Player ├─ StarterPack ├─ PlayerGui ├─ PlayerScripts ├─ BindableEvent ├─ RemoteEvent ├─ Camera ├─ InputObject ├─ Mouse ├─ WrapLayer ├─ WrapTarget ├─ CharacterMesh ├─ Humanoid ├─ HumanoidDescription ├─ Folder ├─ ServiceProvider │ └─ DataModel ├─ Atmosphere ├─ MaterialVariant ├─ LuaSourceContainer │ ├─ BaseScript │ │ ├─ Script │ │ └─ LocalScript │ └─ ModuleScript ├─ Sound ├─ UIAspectRatioConstraint ├─ BlendSpace ├─ GlobalDataStore │ ├─ DataStore │ └─ OrderedDataStore ├─ Pages │ ├─ DataStoreKeyPages │ └─ DataStoreListingPages ├─ DataStoreGetOptions ├─ DataStoreSetOptions ├─ DataStoreIncrementOptions ├─ DataStoreInfo ├─ DataStoreKeyInfo ├─ ParticleEmitter ├─ Beam ├─ Trail ├─ Explosion ├─ Fire ├─ Sparkles ├─ Backpack │ ├─ BackpackItem │ │ └─ Tool ├─ Team ├─ Lighting ├─ Light │ ├─ PointLight │ └─ SpotLight ├─ SoundGroup └─ CoreGui
GuiBase2d ├─ GuiObject │ ├─ Frame │ ├─ GuiButton │ │ ├─ ImageButton │ │ └─ TextButton │ ├─ ImageLabel │ ├─ TextLabel │ └─ LayerCollector │ ├─ ScreenGui │ └─ SurfaceGuiBase │ └─ SurfaceGui └─
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