Studio Interface
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Creators can use OVERDARE Studio to design in-game objects (world assets), build game maps (worlds), and craft their own unique gaming environments. Designed for accessibility, it enables both beginners and experts to create engaging and creative games with ease.
Located in the Workspace, the Viewport displays objects placed in the world. It allows users to manipulate the position, rotation, and scale of selected objects.
W, A, S, D
Click on the Viewport and press W/A/S/D, or hold the right mouse button while pressing W/A/S/D to move the camera forward, left, backward, or right.
Q, E
Click on the Viewport and press Q/E, or hold the right mouse button while pressing Q/E to move the camera down or up.
Hold Shift along with movement keys (W, A, S, D) to adjust the camera movement speed.
Focus the camera on the selected object.
Right Mouse Button
Hold the right mouse button and move the mouse to rotate the camera.
Mouse Wheel Up/Down
Zoom in and out by moving the mouse wheel up or down.
Mouse Wheel Button
Hold the mouse wheel button and move the mouse to pan the camera.
Hover over an object in the Viewport to highlight it with a blue outline. Click the highlighted object to select it.
Hold Shift while clicking to select multiple objects. Hold Ctrl + Shift while clicking to deselect objects.
The Level Browser displays objects placed in the world, such as Parts, Models, and Scripts, and allows you to add or delete objects.
Hover over the location in the Level Browser where you want to add an object, then click the + button to add a new object.
Right-click an object to access options like copy, paste, and delete.
Select an object in the Level Browser or Viewport to view or edit its properties in the Properties window.
Right-clicking a property value brings up a menu with options to copy or paste values.
Use assets like models, images, meshes, and audio registered by other creators.
Import assets like models, images, meshes, and audio into the world, view the list of imported assets, and insert them into the world.
For more details on importing assets, refer to the manual below:
The Toolbar is located at the top of OVERDARE Studio and consists of the Home, Model, Script, and View tabs.
Home tab: Provides basic tools for manipulating 3D objects and testing the created world.
Model tab: Offers tools for manipulating 3D objects in the workspace, setting detailed materials and colors for objects, and adjusting Parts and collision settings.
Script tab: Provides various features for controlling, testing, and debugging scripts within the project.
View tab: Allows you to configure multiple windows and display settings within OVERDARE Studio.
Object selection mode
Position editing mode
Size editing mode
Rotation editing mode
Group: Group selected objects into a Model or Folder.
Lock: Prevent selected objects from being selected in the Viewport.
Anchor: Set whether selected objects are physically anchored.
UI Mode: Displays UI objects placed in StarterGui in the Viewport.
Resolution: Change the Viewport resolution.
Color: Change the color of selected objects if applicable.
Material Manager: Add, edit, or apply materials.
Same functionality as the Play Section in the Home Tab.
Step Into: Enter the function on the current line and continue debugging.
Step Over: Execute the function on the current line without entering it, then move to the next line.
Step Out: Execute the rest of the current function and return to the parent function.
Show or hide specific panels.
Ctrl + 1
Select Tool
Ctrl + 2
Move Tool
Ctrl + 3
Rotate Tool
Ctrl + 4
Scale Tool
Ctrl + C
Copy the currently selected content to the clipboard.
Ctrl + V
Paste the content stored in the clipboard.
Ctrl + X
Cut the currently selected content to the clipboard.
Ctrl + D
Duplicate the currently selected content.
Rename the selected object
Ctrl + G
Group the selected objects into a model
Ctrl + Alt + G
Group the selected objects into a folder
Ctrl + U
Ungroup the selected folder/model
Ctrl + I
Show the Add Objects menu
Hide/Show Gizmo
Shift + F5
Displays information, warnings, and errors occurring in the world and scripts.
Displays error information in the script in real time.
You can view the list of breakpoints set in the script. Breakpoints can be enabled or disabled from the list, and double-clicking the Script or Line column will navigate to the corresponding code line.
You can check the state of variables when a breakpoint is hit.
You can track the order of function calls when a breakpoint is hit.
For more details on breakpoints, you can refer to the manual below.
Select, move, resize, and rotate objects in the Viewport.
Collision: Set whether objects like Parts or MeshParts collide or pass through other colliders by editing in the Viewport with Move/Scale/Rotate Tools.
Create Parts, characters, or Rig Builders.
Import: Insert external assets such as meshes, images, and audio into the world. Use Import to select a single file or Bulk Import to select multiple files.
Apply Group, Lock, or Anchor to selected objects.
Play the world in single or multiplayer test mode.
Provides UI-related features.
Same functionality as the Home Tab.
Collision: Same functionality as the Collision Section in the Home Tab.
Set the editing unit for moving, scaling, or rotating objects in the Viewport.
Import external assets, change the color of selected Parts, or manage materials.
Same functionality as the Home Tab.
Align: Align selected objects.
Find / Replace: Find and replace text in the script editor. This feature can be used in a single script or across all scripts.
Same functionality as the Home Tab.
When a breakpoint is hit, the script executes the code line.
Same functionality as the Home Tab.
Display the Grid or Wireframe in the Viewport.
Same functionality as the Home Tab.