Release Note
Last updated
Last updated
Updated Date : 2025-03-04
1️⃣ Beam
A Beam is an object that connects two Attachments, automatically linking the start and end points.
You can create various effects using Beam, such as:
A straight beam from a laser gun
A flowing energy link during charging
A light bridge connecting portal entrances and exits
A magic beam attack
Electric weapon effects
For more information, see Guide.
2️⃣ Trail
A Trail is an object that creates motion trails, enhancing visual effects such as high-speed movement.
You can create various effects using Trail, such as:
Afterimages following fast-moving objects
Sword slashes
Bullet trajectories
Drift effects in racing games
Fire trails
For more information, see Guide.
3️⃣ Public Open
OVERDARE Studio is now open to public!
From now, Anyone can create with OVERDARE Studio.
[🐞Bug fixes]
Fixed a camera-related script issue when respawning after using HumanoidDied.
Fixed an occasional crash when importing models.
Fixed missing data when importing extremely large models.
Fixed a Collision Group sync issue during collaboration session.
Fixed an error alert when renaming scripts in collaboration mode.
Fixed an infinite crash loop when manipulating the viewport under certain conditions.
Fixed incorrect Tool Handle positioning on mobile devices.
Fixed an issue where equipTool:Destroy() would delete the tool, but the backpack UI would still display it.
Fixed an issue preventing additional imports after an import failure popup.
Fixed a bug preventing ColorSequence assignment in particle emitter scripts.
Fixed an issue where compressed projects opened on another computer displayed incorrect materials.
Fixed an issue where Tools stored in a Folder (instead of Workspace) wouldn’t equip on collision with the Handle.
Fixed an issue where the studio world would log in with a blank account.
Fixed a crash when opening specific worlds.
Fixed a crash when performing multi-client Play Tests.
Fixed a crash when using RigBuilder and running a Play Test.
[Other Updates]
Backspace no longer functions in the Level Browser.
Minor wording and sentence updates.
UI improvements.
UX enhancements for collaborative development.
Early Access Badge has been added to the OVERDARE Studio logo.
[⚒️ Under development]
Data Store Stabilization & Related Features
Animation Editor
Creator Hub World Analytics (World Metrics & Insights)
Currently, OVERDARE Studio is focused on resolving bugs and providing a stable development environment to facilitate your workflow. 🚀✨
Updated Date : 2025-02-17
1️⃣ Character Physics (Ragdoll)
We've added a feature to Studio that allows you to use the physics engine to react naturally when a character collides or falls.
You can create more realistic character animations and an immersive game experience.
By making the player actions such as jumping, falling and attack, this function allows you to make the game more realistic.
You can use the ragdoll function to create a variety of physics-based puzzles or interaction-based games.
For more information, see Guide.
2️⃣ Group Collaboration
We've added a Group function, and a Collaboration based on groups to allow multiple creators to collaborate on the same project.
You can add team members with different roles to develop projects efficiently.
You can share changes in real time to speed up your work.
For more information, see Guide.
3️⃣ Backpack
The Backpack feature allows players to collect and freely use items in-game.
This feature helps you implement an intuitive way for players to select, activate, and deactivate tools in your game.
For more information, see Guide.
4️⃣ Avatar Nutty: Proportions, Design, and Bone Structure Update
We’ve updated the default avatar (Nutty) in its overall proportions, design, and bone structure.
Nutty now has a more toy-like appearance, making the customization experience more intuitive and engaging.
[🐞Bug fixes]
Fixed a bug where Studio would crash when entering Play Test after importing a Skeletal Mesh.
Fixed a bug where Studio would crash in certain cases when climbing.
Fixed a bug where cloning a tool would sometimes create the tool in a strange location.
Fixed a bug that could cause Studio to crash when running
Fixed a bug that could cause Studio to crash when running the RegisterCollisionGroup function.
Fixed a bug that caused Studio to crash on an infinite recursive stack overflow.
Fixed a bug where Studio would crash when setting the Parent of a Part to itself.
Fixed a bug where Studio would crash when playing after setting the number of players to 2.
Fixed a bug in OVDR Studio where Studio would crash when adding or inserting a Particle Emitter to an attachment instance after inserting an 'attachment' into a Part child.
Fixed a bug where setting up Collision Groups would not work properly.
Fixed a bug where certain characters would remain in their previous state when renaming text labels with the Level Browser.
Fixed a bug where tiling was applied when setting TextureId in MeshPart.
Fixed a bug where Studio would crash when de-activating somthing from the Tag Editor after changing a Tag in Properties.
Fixed a bug where Studio would sometimes crash when creating a Particle Emitter.
Fixed a bug where the item was not exposed when viewed in the app after applying SurfaceGUI.
Fixed a bug in Tag Editor where Studio would crash when grouping after renaming in the Tag Details window.
[⚒️ Under development]
Particle Emitter - Beam, Trail
Animation Editor
OVERDARE Studio is currently preparing to welcome more creators to Early Access.
For the time being, we'll be focusing on some UX improvements, language polishing, data logging, and bug fixes for stability instead of new feature development.
We're also working hard to prepare for the next round of development, including planning and designing new features.
Please stay tuned! 🥰