Script Editor
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The Script Editor in OVERDARE Studio is an essential tool for writing scripts, designed to facilitate easy code writing. It helps manage the development process efficiently and significantly reduce working time.
The editor formats and highlights syntax in code.
It provides an autocomplete function that suggests code phrases as you type.
It allows you to search and replace code within an open script or across all scripts.
It provides real-time feedback on code quality and compliance.
It offers robust debugging capabilities using breakpoints, allowing precise tracking of code execution flow and effective issue analysis.
Double-clicking a script in the Level Browser opens the Script Editor.
Select All
Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V
Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+Shift+Z
Increase or decrease the size of fonts
Alt+↑ / Alt+↓
Swap the current line that the cursor is on with the line above/below
Ctrl+↑ / Ctrl+↓
Scroll by one line
Ctrl+Home / Ctrl+End
Move to the first/last line
Find code in the current script
Replace code in the current script
Find/Replace across all scripts
Go to a specific line
While entering code, the editor suggests relevant functions, variables, and syntax, improving writing speed and productivity.
When autocomplete suggestions appear, you can navigate the list using the up and down arrow keys, then press Tab or Enter to insert the selected suggestion into the script.
If autocomplete is not needed, press Esc to close the suggestions.
Using the Find (Ctrl+F) or Replace (Ctrl+H) functions, you can search and replace code within the current script. If multiple matches are found, you can navigate through them using the Enter key.
1️⃣ Match case
2️⃣ Match whole word
3️⃣ Use regular expressions
4️⃣ Next match
5️⃣ Previous match
6️⃣ Close
7️⃣ Replace selected word
8️⃣ Replace all
By using the Find/Replace All function (Ctrl+Shift+F), you can search and replace code across all scripts. Double-clicking a result in the output panel moves the cursor to the corresponding line.
1️⃣ Match case
2️⃣ Match whole word
3️⃣ Use regular expressions
4️⃣ Next match
5️⃣ Previous match
6️⃣ Script filter
7️⃣ Close
8️⃣ Replace selected word
9️⃣️ Replace all
The Problem panel analyzes the script being written and highlights active errors and warnings. Errors are also underlined in red within the Script Editor.
Double-clicking a log entry in the Problem panel moves the cursor to the corresponding line.
The Breakpoint function is a script debugging tool that allows you to pause the execution of a script at a specific point to examine the state of that point or analyze any issues during the script’s execution.