Asset Import
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World assets created in OVERDARE Studio can be registered in the Creator Hub. Depending on the public settings, registered assets can be freely used by anyone in the Asset Drawer of OVERDARE Studio.
Import 3D models created in external tools like Blender or 3D Max, audio such as background music, or UI images—any assets necessary for world creation.
.png / .tga
.fbx / .obj
In OVERDARE Studio, you can load a world, then import the assets you want to use in that world.
In OVERDARE Studio, select the Home tab in the top tab area, then click the Import button or BulkImport button to import assets.
Alternatively, you can also click the Import button in the Asset Manager panel.
Import3D Button: Allows importing a single asset. (Detailed options can be set when importing a mesh.)
BulkImport Button or Import Button: Allows importing multiple assets. (Simplified options can be set when importing a mesh.)
Displays the name of the imported 3D asset. You can change the name to make it visible in the project.
Import Only as Model
When enabled, the model is imported as a single asset even if it contains multiple child objects. If disabled, the model and its child meshes are imported as separate assets.
Enabled by default.
Insert in Workspace
When enabled, the imported 3D asset is inserted into the Workspace and Asset Drawer. If disabled, it is only inserted into the Toolbox and Asset Manager.
Enabled by default.
Insert Using Scene Position
When enabled, the model is inserted into the Workspace using the current scene position.
Disabled by default.
Set Pivot to Scene Origin
When enabled, the Pivot point of the entire model is set to the Scene Origin.
Enabled by default.
World Forward
Sets the axis that faces forward for the object. Can be set to Front, Back, Left, or Right.
World Up
Sets the axis that faces upward for the object. Can be set to Top, Bottom, Left, or Right.
Scale Unit
Sets the unit used for modeling the file to ensure proper scaling. Options: Stud, Meter, CM, MM, Foot, Inch.
Merge Meshes
If enabled, all MeshParts in the model are merged into a single MeshPart that is not a model.
Disabled by default.
Invert Negative Faces
Reverses the direction of negative faces in the mesh.
Disabled by default.
Make Double Sided
If disabled, vertices are single-sided, meaning they are visible only from one direction.
If enabled, they are double-sided and visible from both directions.
Disabled by default.
Ignore Vertex Colors
When enabled, vertex color data of child objects is ignored.
Disabled by default.
If imported assets are not registered in OVERDARE, only the creator who created the world can use them. When the map file is shared with another creator, it may not function properly for them.
Therefore, if multiple creators need to work on the same map file, make sure to register the imported assets in OVERDARE.
Select the world asset you want to register in the Level Browser, then right-click and choose Save to OVERDARE to register the asset in the Creator Hub.
Clicking Save to OVERDARE will automatically redirect you to a web page where you can input asset information such as tags and public settings. (All information must be filled out to register the asset.)
Review the terms and conditions, click agree, and click Complete to finish registration.
Registered assets can be viewed in the Asset Drawer within OVERDARE Studio. Assets with public settings can be used by other creators.
Go to the Dashboard by clicking Dashboard - My Contents in the top menu area of the Creator Hub.
Click the World Asset tab in the Dashboard to view all registered assets.
On the world asset editing page, use the Distribute on Asset Store option to make the asset available in OVERDARE Studio’s Asset Drawer panel. (Enabling Distribute allows other creators to use the asset.)
In the Asset Manager, select the category of the asset you want to place.
Locate the asset you want to place.
Double-click the asset or drag and drop it into the Viewport to place it in the Workspace.
Some objects reference assets for display. For example, MeshPart objects reference meshes, MeshPart or VFX reference textures, and Sound objects reference audio. In such cases, you must link the Asset Id of the asset to be displayed to the object.
Mesh Id
MeshPart, CharacterMesh, etc.
Texture Id
MeshPart, BackpackItem, VFX, etc.
Sound Id
ImageButton, ImageLabel, etc.
Select the object and check the properties window for fields requiring Asset Ids (e.g., Mesh Id, Texture Id).
Copy the Asset Id by right-clicking the asset in the Asset Manager and selecting Copy Asset Id to Clipboard.
Alternatively, hover over the asset in the Asset Drawer, click the magnifying glass button (🔍), and click the copy button next to the Asset Id.
The copied Asset Id must be set in the format ovdrassetid://number. (Example: ovdrassetid://1234)
Asset Ids can also be assigned in scripts as shown below:
When using Asset Ids in scripts, ensure that an object with the corresponding Asset Id exists in the Level Browser for it to load correctly.