Coding Style
Coding style refers to guidelines designed to ensure consistency and readability of code. These are recommended conventions to reduce ambiguity that may arise when writing code and to improve collaboration and maintenance.
Lua script has a flexible and concise grammar structure compared to other languages, so if developers do not establish a unified convention, the expression style of the code can become excessively diverse. Therefore, by using a consistent coding style, you can quickly understand the meaning of the code, such as the scope or purpose of variables, and increase development efficiency.
Naming Conventions Based on Declaration Scope
The following rules are used to distinguish between file-scoped variables, which are declared at the top of the script, and local variables, which are declared within a specific scope, such as a function or control statement.
File-scoped variables declared at the top of the script should be named with the first letter of each word in uppercase.
Variables declared within specific scopes such as functions or control statements should be named with only the first letter in lowercase.
Function names should be capitalized with the first letter of each word in uppercase.
Function Parameters and Return Values
Function parameters and return values must be named with the first letter in lowercase, and spaces should be placed between parameters.
Add a space between operators.
Indentation and Line Breaks
Use indentation to clarify the hierarchy of the code, such as the scope and flow.
Include a line break at the beginning of a control statement, such as a table, conditional, or loop.
In a Team Project
In a collaborative project, it is important to unify the coding style among team members. A consistent coding style improves code readability, makes maintenance easier, and helps smooth collaboration among team members. Therefore, it is advisable to define coding rules in the early stages of the project and ensure that everyone follows them. Agree upon variable names, function names, indentation styles, etc., and proceed with the work based on these guidelines!
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