SoundGroup : Instance
The SoundGroup class inherits from Instance
to manage audio groups with volume control. It includes properties for volume and a delegate FOnAudioGroupVolume for volume changes. The class applies the volume to member sounds and manages sound group lifecycles. Properties, methods, events, delegates, and headers are declared for managing volume multipliers applied to sounds within the SoundGroup, replicating volume data across networked instances, handling multithreading and replication features in a game context, and interacting with associated Sound objects using Unreal Engine macros.
SoundGroup is a Lua class in Overdare Studio that represents a group of sounds and enables users to manage their volume collectively. It acts as a container for multiple sound instances, allowing developers to control audio elements more efficiently within a project. The Volume property modifies the overall output of all sounds in a group with values ranging from 0 (silent) to 10 (maximum volume). Changes in volume are notified through the OnSoundGroupVolume event, providing an organized structure for dynamic and immersive audio experiences within game projects.
Volume is a number property representing the audio volume multiplier for sounds within the group, ranging from 0 to 10. Its changes may trigger events and are replicated across instances through specific functions or mechanisms in different contexts.
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